

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Bound to happen...

Some say nothing in life is certain except for death and taxes. Well on the farm, there are other certainties in life...and two of them occurred in the past 48 hours.

Certainty #1 - Frozen water lines.
Thanks to the frigid temperatures we've been experiencing in the area, water lines in our watering system froze. However, we've been down this road before and have just the tools on hand to make sure the herd has plenty of water. After some carburetor cleaning, the trusty water pump fired up and filled up a few temporary tanks for the herd. The cows were mildly grateful. However, they had previously found the little spring in the field so they were only mildly interested in the new tanks. With the calves expecting to drop any day now, we want to make sure there is a plentiful water supply to keep the cows hydrating and producing milk. Milk does a body good - especially calves!

Certainty #2 - Escapees!!!!!
It's a well known fact as soon as you turn cows into a new field, they will walk the fence line learning their new boundaries. After they learn their boundaries, they do what cows do...test their boundaries and plan their escape routes. Upon arriving at the farm today to deal with certainty #1, the first thing we noticed is that we had three escapees. Thank goodness our cows are food motivated! After some coaxing with food and a bit of herding, the escapees were eventually convinced to return to their correct field with their herd mates. Based on the evidence, it appears the three rouges had company at some point this week. But fences have now been mended so the herd will have to plan a new escape route for next time. Tune in for more to see if they succeed!

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