

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Babies, babies and babies...a lesson on cattle calving seasons

Calving season is finally over with the arrival of this little fellar. We think he's kinda cute!

A little bit of education is in order for our readers...about calving season. A cow will cycle through her "heat" approximately every 3 weeks. After exposure to a bull, if she "takes" or "catches", her gestation period will last 9 months. Typically cow/calf producers like to expose the cows (i.e. let the bull do his thing) for a period of about 45-60 days. The purpose is so that all the calves are born within a fairly tight time frame, referred to as calving season. Producers like a short calving season so calves are all a similar size and weight when they reach selling age. A uniform group of calves will bring a higher price for the cow/calf producer at selling time. Here at S&K Farm our calving season has lasted a little longer than we'd like our first time through but we're just excited to say we've reached the end with only a few speed bumps! Now it's time to get these calves growing like weeds!

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