

Sunday, January 11, 2015

You Win Some...You Lose Some

Today was one of those days on the farm that was part success and part not so much success.

The Success
The herd moved into a new field today, well, most of the herd. Some stragglers were too busy with heads down eating to venture into the new field. Those that made the move were happy they had done so. A few discovered what an electric fence is and got their noses popped. They learn quickly! The hanging mineral feeder was discovered, as well as the lush grass that hadn't been mowed this fall. Everyone's belly is full tonight! Here are a couple of videos of Samuel tolling in the cattle into the new field.

The Not So Success
The new herd cows are not scheduled to give birth until March and April. However, #34 decided not to give birth on schedule. Between 2 and 3 PM today, #34 went into labor, trying to deliver the first S&K calf. Unfortunately, something was wrong with the calf and it was not fully developed so she aborted it instead of giving birth to a live calf. Unfortunately, loss of a calf if part of farm like. But let's all hope that our next birthing event turns out to be a success.

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