

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

All creatures great and small...want in on the action

Here at S&K Farm we generally deal with fairly large animals, primarily of the bovine and equine variety - fairly large creatures. Here lately, however, Farmer K has had several run-ins with creatures of the smaller variety.

Chapter One:
Farmer K was climbing on top of a trailer loaded with round bales to fasten a haul strap when something hit her in the shoulder. She noticed what looked like a clump of mud fall to the ground. A brief flash entered her head...why would a clump of dirt fall to her shoulder when there's nothing above her but the clear blue sky? About that time, the "clump" hit the ground where it ran off. Yup that's right. It was a mouse. It had jumped from one of the hay bales and bounced off Farmer K. The good note is that Farmer K was too busy fastening straps to react.

Chapter Two:
Howie and Catra are great mousers. They regularly bring little presents to the barn door for Farmer S and Farmer K. Last weekend Catra was playing with a mouse as Farmer K walked up. Catra became slightly distracted from her game and the mole ran into a clump of grass. Of course, Farmer K felt guilty for distracting Catra, so she nudged at the grass trying to entice the mole to make an appearance. Well, it did. Right up Farmer K's boot and down the back of her leg and off through the grass. On the upside, Farmer K saved the mole's life that day. And she didn't even screech!

The morale of the story...there are plenty of creatures left for Howie and Catra to hunt at S&K Farm!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

That went well!

Do you ever have an afternoon all planned out...and things are going fine until...? Today was one of those days. Farmer S and Farmer K arrived at the farm to feed for the day. Feeding the first two herds went just like clockwork. Everything was smooth as butter. Then as the first bale of hay was being taken to the 3rd herd, Farmer K noticed a cow where it didn't belong...in the tree nursery. Farmer K and Farmer S went to investigate and sure enough there was Ginger where she didn't belong, and to boot she had a piece of barb wire stuck in her tail. A plan was quickly devised. You see, Ginger is smart enough to know that feed bags contain...you guessed it, feed. So Farmer S & Farmer K quickly enticed Ginger with an empty feed bag into the steer lot. From there, Ginger was enticed, along with the two steers, all the way to the barn with an empty feed bag. Ginger knows what happens in the barn and walked calmly down the alleyway into the squeeze shoot, where Farmer K cut the wire from her tail. She then followed the feed bag all the way back to the field where she belongs. And the two steers were their usual friendly, dog-like selves and followed Farmer S back to their own field.

Better behaving cattle couldn't have been asked for. That is if you don't consider that Ginger somehow managed to escape the field and get into the nursery to begin with. But who's concerned with details?