

Monday, March 23, 2015

The S&K Calves Gang...

The S&K Calves Gang is accepting new members! Current enrollment is up to 13 with more joining daily. It's such a pleasure to watch all the cavorting in the field. The young ladies and lads are loving the warm weather and have running down to a fine art. Farmer S and Farmer K have had the fun of wrestling a few of the calves. It sure is startling when a calf bawls for mama and objects to being handled. But at this point, Farmer S and Farmer K have the hang of holding on despite the bawling! Thus far, 4 of the gang have received their ear tags. Hopefully Farmer S and Farmer K can catch the rest before they get too big and too quick. Stay tuned for more! If you need more of a fix of cute, cuddly calf pictures, check out our Facebook page.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Everyone has a job...

Today while Farmer K was doing her CPA job and Farmer S was off earning his paycheck, #54 went to work and did her job. Calf #2 has arrived on S&K Farm! Mom and baby have spent the afternoon bonding and resting from the birthing process. It's hard to enter the world but we're glad Calf #2 is here. Based on the looks of the other ladies, we might have more tomorrow!

Monday, March 2, 2015

One Down...62 to go!

Today on S&K Farm Mother Nature proved once again that she is unpredictable. For several weeks the hot topic of discussion on the farm has been which cow would have a calf first. Several contenders have been solidly in the top 10. Heifer #18 never even entered the race to be first. However, as of approximately 3 PM today, #18 took the prize and delivered a healthy, baby bull calf. She is already showing off her mothering skills quite well!

Enjoy the videos below as we wait for more to arrive!